Institute of Biotechnology, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University



林劭品 助理教授 

Lin, Sau-Ping (Assistant Professor)


專長︰後生遺傳學  / 細胞再程序化

Expertise: Epigenetics, Reprogramming, Molecular Genetics

連絡: 生物科技所 402; Tel: 3366-6005~6

Contact: Room 403, 4F, No. 81, Chang-Xing St., Taipei, 106, Taiwan

Tel: 886-2-33666005~6

Fax: 886-2-33666001




博士  英國劍橋大學  生理學發生學與神經科學研究所  (2000/10 ~ 2004/11)

碩士  台灣大學  動物科學與技術學研究所  (1994/09 ~ 1996/06)

學士  台灣大學  動物科學與技術學系  (1990/09 ~ 1994/06)




University of Cambridge, Department of Anatomy, England, U.K.  (2000/10 ~ 2004/11)


National Taiwan University, Dept. of Animal Science, Taipei, Taiwan  (1994/09 ~ 1996/06)


National Taiwan University, Dept. of Animal Science, Taipei, Taiwan  (1990/09 ~ 1994/06)



台灣大學生物科技研究所  助理教授   (2006/8 ~ now)

 美國哥倫比亞大學  遺傳發育學研究所  博士後研究員 (2005/1 ~ 2006/8)

 馬偕醫院  醫學研究科  助研究員  研究  (1996/8 ~ 2000/7)



2006/8 ~ now 

Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Institute of Biotechnology, Taipei, Taiwan

2005/1 ~ 2006/8 

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA (Department of Genetics and Development, College of Physician and Surgeons)

1996/8 ~ 2000/7

Assistant Research Fellow, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Division of Reproduction and Endocrinology, Department of Medical Research 



2005  Promega 英國青年遺傳學家獎座 (2nd Prize)

20000~2003  教育部碩士後留歐公費留學獎學金 (生物技術; 基因轉殖)

1995~1996  教育部研究生獎學金

1993  戈福江教授紀念獎學金

1992~1993  台灣大學書卷獎 3 次

1991~1992  台大畜產學系系友會獎學金 2 次



2005  Promega Young Geneticist of the year (United Kingdom; 2nd Prize)

20000~2003  Ministry of Education, Taiwan: “Government Scholarships”

1995~1996  Ministry of Education, Taiwan: “Postgraduate Scholarships”

1993  “Professor F.K. Koh’s Memorial Foundation” scholarship

1992~1993  National Taiwan University, “Presidential Award” 3 times

1991~1992  “Department of Animal Science Alumni Award” twice




Epigenetics 642 D0090

Seminars in epigenetics 642 U0030

Special topics in reprogramming 642 U0040

Genetics and epigenetics in germ and stem cells 642 U0070

Research training 642 D0090

Seminar 642 D0010



Research topic

Epigenetic regulatory mechanism controls gene activity by DNA methylation and modification of chromatin packaging proteins (histones) without changing DNA sequence itself.  Epigenetic regulation has been proven to be important for many physiological processes, including cell and tissue differentiation, sex chromosome compensation (X-inactivation), genomic imprinting (where only one allele of the imprinted genes are expressed according to its parental origin), etc.  The reversible nature of the DNA methylation and histone mark provide the possibility of nuclear reprogramming of the differentiated nucleus into totipotent state as demonstrated in cloned animals.  De-regulation of the DNA methylation process also contributes to several human diseases, including cancer.

研究計畫  Projects

 1. 建立與定性分析缺乏類DNA甲基化酶3L之胚幹細胞株 Establishment and characterization of Dnmt3L deficient ES cell lines

 2. 全基因組篩選影響配子生成之基因 (hyperlink: ENUproposal 2006.ppt) Genome wide screen for genes affecting gametogenesis 

進行中之跨國合作研究計畫  International cooperation projects

 I. The different imprinting control mechanisms of the mouse Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted locus between embryos and placentas (Collaborators: Dr. Jérôme Cavaillé,, Toulouse, France; Dr. Shuji, Takada, Japan; Dr. Anne Ferguson-Smith, University of Cambridge, U.K.)

II. Identification, characterization and dynamics of epigenetic marks at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted domain (Collaborators: Dr. Neil Youngson, Dr. Mitsuteru Ito, Dr. Anne Ferguson-Smith, University of Cambridge, U.K.)

III. The developmental consequences of dosage alterations of the imprinted genes at Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted locus (Collaborators: Dr. Phil Coan, Dr. Anne Ferguson-Smith, University of Cambridge, U.K.) 

IV. Generation and characterization of the imprint-free mouse embryos (Collaborators: Dr. Deborah Bourc’his, Paris, France; Prof. Timothy Bestor, Columbia University, USA)

 V. Finding Dnmt3L interacting factors in female germ lines (Collaborators: Dr. Steen Ooi, Prof. Timothy Bestor, Columbia University, USA)




期刊論文  Referred paper

 1.  Seitz, H., Royo, H., Bortolin, M. L., Lin, S.P., Ferguson-Smith, A. C. and Cavaille, J. A Large Imprinted microRNA Gene Cluster at the Mouse Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain. Genome Research, 14: 1741-1748 (2004)

 2. Seitz, H., Royo, H., Lin, S.P., Youngson, N., Ferguson-Smith, A.C. and Cavaillé, J. Imprinted small RNA genes. Biological Chemistry, 385: 905-911 (2004)

 3. Ferguson-Smith A, Lin S.P., and Youngson N. Regulation of imprinted gene activity and expression: A consideration of unifying themes. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 60: 197-213 (2004)

 4. Lin S.P., Youngson N, Takada S, Seitz H, Reik W, Paulsen M, Cavaille J, and Ferguson-Smith AC.  Asymmetric regulationof imprinting on the maternal and paternal chromosomes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted cluster on mouse chromosome 12. Nature Genetics, 35: 97-102 (2003)

        (News and Views for this article: Nature Genetics, 35: 11-12)

 5. Seitz H., Youngson N., Lin S.P., Dalbert S., Paulsen M., Bachellerie J.P., Ferguson-Smith A.C. and Cavaillé J. Imprinted microRNA genes transcribed antisense to a reciprocally imprinted retrotransposon-like gene. Nature Genetics, 34: 261-2 (2003)

 6. Ferguson-Smith A, Lin S.P., Tsai CE, Youngson N, Tevendale M. Genomic imprinting-insights from studies in mice. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 14: 43-9 (2003)

 7. Tsai CE, Lin S.P., Ito M, Takagi N, Takada S, Ferguson-Smith AC. Genomic imprinting contributes to thyroid hormone metabolism in the mouse embryo. Current Biology, 12: 1221-6 (2002)

 8. Lin TK, Lee RK, Lin S.P., Chen SY, Tsai YJ, Su TH. Growth retardation of rabbit embryos in ligated oviducts and the toxic effects of rabbit tubal fluid on mouse embryo development in vitro. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 18: 400-3 (2001)

 9. Lin, S.P., Lee, R.K.K., Tsai, Y.J. and Hwu, Y.M. In vivo hatching phenomenon of mouse blastocyst during implantation. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 18: 341-345 (2001)

10. Lin, S.P., Lee, R.K.K., Su, J.T., Chen, Y.W., Liu, W. Y., Hwu, Y.M., Lin, M.H., Tsai, Y.J. The effects of brief gamete coincubation in human in vitro fertilization. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 17: 344-348 (2000)

11.  Lee, R.K.K., Lin, S.P., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, M.H., and Hwu, Y.M. Embryonic dormancy phenomenon in obstructed healthy mouse fallopian tubes. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 17: 540-545 (2000)

12.  Tsai, Y.J., Lee, R.K.K., Lin, S.P., Chen, Y.J. Identification of a novel platelet derived growth factor-like gene, Fallotein, in the human reproductive tract. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta., 1492: 196-202 (2000).

13.  Su, J.T., Lee, R. K.K., Lin, S.P., Lin, M. H. and Hwu, Y.M. Does hydrosalpinx fluid have an embryotoxic effect? Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, (2000)

14.  Lin TK, Lee RK, Lin SP, Tsai YJ, Lin, M. H. and Hwu, Y.M.. The effect of peritoneal fluid protein in the follicular and luteal phase from cases of nonendometriosis on the in vitro development of two-cell mouse embryos. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, (2000)

15.  Tsai, YJ., Lee RKK, Lin, SP, Lin, MH, and Hwu, YM. The expression of epidermal growth factor ligand in the human oviduct. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, (1999)

16.  Lin, S.P., Lee, R.K.K., Tsai, Y.J., Hwu, Y.M. and Lin, M. H. Separating X-bearing human spermatozoa through a discontinuous Percoll density gradient proved to be inefficient by double-label fluorescent in situ hybridization.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 15: 565-569 (1998)

17.  Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K., Chen, C.P., Su, J.T., Chen, Y.W., Lin, S.P. Development of hatching blastocysts from immature human oocytes following in vitro maturation and fertilization using a co-culture system. Human Reproduction, 13:1916-1921 (1998)

18.  Hwu Y.M., Lee R.K.K., Su, J.T. Chen Y.W., Lin W.Y., Lin M.H., Lin S.P. In vitro maturation of human immature oocytes retrieved from small follicles at cesarean section. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 6:52-56 (1997)

學位論文  Thesis

   博士論文: Regulation of genomic imprinting at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted domain on mouse chromosome 12指導教授: Dr. Anne C. Ferguson-Smith

   碩士論文: Construction and expression of the hybrid gene “alpha-lactalbumin/human blood clotting factor IX” in mammary epithelial cell line and transgenic mice  指導教授:  鄭登貴教授

專利  Patents

 1. Wu, SC , WTK Cheng, CM Chen, SP Lin, CH Yen, PC Yang. 2004. Method for Expressing Multiple Recombinant Proteins in the Milk of Transgenic Non-Human Mammals. (USA Patents Pended, No. 20030311)

 2. Wu, SC , WTK Cheng, CM Chen, SP Lin, CH Yen, PC Yang. 2004. Method for Expressing Human Clotting Factor IX and Lactoferrin Proteins in the Milk of Transgenic Non-Human Mammals. (ROC Patent Pended, No. 92132541)

研討會論文摘要  Conference Abstracts

 1. Lin S.P., Mooney, A., Prissette-Kelly, M., Alcorn, H., Laird, D, Parmalee1, N., Anderson K, Bestor, T.H. Finding genes that regulate genomic imprinting. Columbia University, Genetics and Development Departmental Conference, 2005

 2. da Rocha S.T., Lin S.P., Angiolini M, Watkins M., Dean W., and Ferguson-Smith A. C. The role of the imprinted gene Delta-like 1 (Dlk1) in mouse development - a transgenic approach. Harwell Imprinting Conference 2005 on Genomic Imprinting, Development and Disease, April 2005 Oxford, UK

 3. Ferguson-Smith A. C., Lin, S. P., Coan, P., Seitz H, da Rocha S.T., Cavaille J, Takada S. Deletion of the imprinting control element of the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted locus reveals the different imprinting control mechanisms between mouse embryos and placentas. Harwell Imprinting Conference 2005 on Genomic Imprinting, Development and Disease, April 2005 Oxford, UK

 4. da Rocha, S. T., Lin, S. P., Ito Y., Angiolini, C., Watkins, M., Dean, W., and Ferguson-Smith, A. C. The Function and Regulation of the Imprinted Gene Delta-like 1 (Dlk1) in Mouse Development. Gordon Conference on Epigenetics, August 2005, Plymouth, NH, USA

 5. da Rocha, S.T., Lin S.P., Dean, W., Angiolini, C., Watkins, M. and Ferguson-Smith, A.C. The role of the imprinted gene Delta-like 1 (Dlk1) in mouse development. (Abstract for the Genetics Society’s 15th Mammalian Genetics and Development Workshop, 2004, published in Genetical Research (2005) 86:237

 6. da Rocha, S.T., Lin S.P., Angiolini, C., Watkins, M., Dean, W. and Ferguson-Smith, A.C. The role of Delta-like 1 (Dlk1) in mouse development: a transgenic approach. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Mouse Molecular Genetics, 2004

 7. Lin S.P. , Youngson N, Takada S, Seitz H, Reik W, Paulsen M, Cavaille J, and Ferguson-Smith AC. Asymmetric regulation of imprinting on the maternal and paternal chromosomes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted cluster on mouse chromosome 12.  Gorden Research Conferences on Epigenetics, 2003

 8. Youngson, N.A., Lin S.P., Seitz, H., Takada, S., Paulsen, M., Cavaille, J. and Ferguson-Smith, A.C. An imprinted retrotransposon and associated microRNAs: a new mechanism of imprinting? European Science Foundation Programme in Functional Genomics. 1st Conference on Functional Genomics and Disease. 2003

 9. Lin, S.P., Takada, S, Youngson, N, Seitz, H, Reik, W, Paulsen, M, Cavaille, J, and Ferguson-Smith, AC. Asymmetric regulation of imprinting on the maternal and paternal chromosomes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted cluster on mouse chromosome 12. Understanding the Biology of Sex Differences: 4th Annual Conference on Sex and Gene Expression, 2003

10. Lin, SP, Takada S., Cavaille J., Reik W., Paulsen M and Ferguson-Smith A. Control of imprinting at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted cluster on mouse chromosome 12. (Abstract for the Genetics Society’s 13th Mammalian Genetics and Development Workshop, 2002, published in Genetical Research (2003) 81:235

11. Chen, CM, Wu SC, Tu CF, Lin SW, Lin S.P, Choo KB, and Cheng WTK. Current status and prospects of research studies endeavored to generation of transgenic farm animals in Taiwan. Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology. 2001

12. Tsai, Y.J., Lee, R. K.K. and Lin, S.P. Identification of a novel platelet derived growth factor-like gene Fallotein in the human reproductive tract. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR). 1999.

13. Lin, S.P., Su, J.T., Hwu, Y.M., Tsai, Y.-J., Lin, M. H. and Lee, R. K.K. Establishment of the isolation and maturation culture system for mouse and human primordial/ preantral follicles. The 11th world congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Human Reproductive Genetics. 1999. P.221

14. Lee, R. K.K, Lin, S.P., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, M. H., and Hwu, Y.M. An oviductal anti-implantation phenomenon found in obstructed healthy mouse fallopian tubes---Embryonic dormancy. The 11th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Human Reproductive Genetics. 1999. P.248

15. Su, J.T., Lin, S.P., Lin, M. H., Hwu, Y.M. and Lee, R. K.K. Does hydrosalpinx fluid have an embryotoxic effect? The 11th world congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Human Reproductive Genetics. 1999. P.297

16. Wu, S.C, Lin, S.P., Chen, C.M., Choo, K.B. and Cheng W.T.K. Production of Transgenic pig harboring cDNA of human factor IX gene. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, 1999. 10:36.

17. Tsai, Y.J., Chen, Y.H., Lin, S.P. and Lee, R.K.K. Identification and isolation of differentially expressed genes from mouse oviduct with 2-cell embryos. Taiwan Society for Reproduction Medicine. 1999. P.41

18. Tsai, Y.J., Chen, Y.H., Lin, S.P. and Lee, R.K.K. Protein and gene expression of fallotein in mouse tissue. Taiwan Society for Reproduction Medicine. 1999. P.54

19. Chen, Y.H., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, S.P. and Lee, R.K.K. Cloning of the mouse fallotein cDNA encoded a vascular endothelial growth factor like gene. Taiwan Society for Reproduction Medicine. 1999. P.72 (Prize Paper)

20. Lin, S.P., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, M. H., Hwu, Y.M. and Lee, R.K.K. Investigation of the difference between blastocyst hatching in vitro and in vivo. The 39th Annual Congress of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Republic of China. 1999

21. Tsai, Y.J., Lin, S.P., Hwu, Y.M., Lin, M. H. and Lee, R.K.K. Fallotein gene and protein expression in human tissue. The 39th Annual Congress of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Republic of China. 1999

22. Lee, R.K.K., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, S.P., Lin, M. H. and Hwu, Y.M. The expression of epidermal growth factor gene and ligand in the human oviduct. 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1998. P. S391

23. Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K., Su, J.T., Lin, M. H., Lin, S.P. Fertilization and embryonic development of cryopreserved human immature oocytes collected at time of cesarean section following intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 1998. P. S110

24. Hwu, Y.M., Su, J.T., Lee, R.K.K., Liu, W.Y., Hou, J.W., Lin, M.H., Lin, S.P. Fertilization and pregnancy outcome using intentionally cryopreserved testicular tissue as the sperm source. The Chinese Fertility Society, 1998 Annual Meeting, p. 67

25. Tsai, Y.J., Lin, S.P., Lin, M.H., Hwu, Y.M., and Lee, R.K.K. Fallotein, a novel growth factor like molecule found in human oviduct.The Chinese Fertility Society, 1998 Annual Meeting, p. 31 (prize paper)

26. Wu, S.C., Lin, S.P., Mao, C.H., Wang, S.R., Chen, C.M., Huang, M.C., Hsu, T.T., Yang, T.S., Lee, K.H., Chu, R., Choo, K.B., Cheng, W.T.K. Production of transgenic mice and piglets using the porcine lactoferrin cDNA and the human factor IX cDNA clones. The Conference of Transgenic Animal Research, 1998. P.6

27. Lin, S.P., Tsai, Y.J., Lin, M.H., Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K. Hatching but no implantation of mouse embryos in obstructed healthy oviducts: the existence of an oviductal anti-implantation phenomenon. The 38th Annual Congress of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Republic of China. 1998

28. Tsai, Y. J., Lin, S.P., Lin, M.H., Hwu, Y.M. and Lee. R.K.K. The effect of early pregnancy factor on in vitro cultured ampullary cells. The Chinese Fertility Society, 1997 Annual Meeting, p. 45

29. Lin, S.P., Tsai, Y.J., Su, J.T., Chen, Y.W., Liu, W.Y., Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K. Reducing the time of sperm-oocyte interaction in human in vitro fertilization did not affect the fertilization, cleavage rate and subsequent embryo quality. The 37th Annual Congress of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Republic of China, 1997. P. 55

30. Tsai, Y.J., Lin, S.P., Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K. Molecular cloning of the early pregnancy factor (EPF) and EPF homologue. The 37th Annual Congress of the Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Republic of China, 1997. P. 58

31. Lin, S.P., Wu, H.C., Chen, C.M, Yeh, H.H., Cheng, W.T.K. Construction and expression of the hybrid gene: bovine alpha-lactalbumin/human blood clotting factor IX. Journal of the Chinese Society of Animal Science, 1996 25 (Suppl.): 63

DNA 序列註冊  New gene sequences accession to GenBank

 1. Tsai, Y.J., Lee, R.K.K., Lin, S.P. Human Fallotein cDNA nucleotide sequence.  GenBank direct submission. Accession number: AF091434 (1998)

 2. Tsai, Y.J., Lee, R.K.K., Chen, Y.H., Lin, S.P., Cheng, W.T.K. Mouse Fallotein cDNA nucleotide sequence. GenBank direct submission. Accession number: AF117608 (1999)



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